Presented at
DEF CON China Beta (2018),
May 12, 2018, 5 p.m.
(60 minutes).
Have you ever felt frustrated that the super cool DEFCON only happen once a year in Las Vegas? Visa,flights,time,language,distance are all possible reasons that prevent you from enjoying DEFCON. Well, thanks to DEF CON groups, you're able to carry the spirit of DEF CON with you year round, and with local people, transcending borders, languages, and anything else that may separate us! Most importantly, local DEFCON Groups are the platforms to unite us all to achieve causes, to inspire others,regardless of their background, race.
In this talk, you'll hear from DEF CON's founder Dark Tangent, the Ambassador of DEF CON groups Jayson E. Street, DEFCON GROUP 010 founder Jun Li who is also moderating the panel, DEFCON GROUP 617 founder April C. Wright,DEFCON GROUP 86021 founder Tielei Wang, DEFCON GROUP 86755 founder Peter Wesley, DEFCON GROUP 0571 founder Changsheng Gao, DEFCON GROUP 0531 founder Xinpeng Liu . They will first discuss what is hacking,the spirit of hackers,what are the differences between different hacker communities,what interesting experiences can different groups learn from each other,then they will discuss how hacker spirit is contributing to the society in good ways,discuss how to cultivate the next generation of security professionals (aka hackers),finally they will talk about some future projects they might be able to cooperate on,for example go to the remote areas to inspire kid to learn and use technology to change the world.
Founders of their own local DEF CON groups will also discuss the awesome projects of their groups, as well as projects from other groups, to give ideas to take back to your own DEF CON group. Projects we'll discuss range from custom badge build, IoT devices, vintage gaming systems, custom built routers, smarthome devices and more!
Peter Wesley
Peter Wesley is a security researcher based in Shenzhen, China, where he runs a consultancy specializing in product security services. He has over 20 years experience in IT security, predominately in the Finance and Telecommunications industries, and has previously worked for Huawei Technologies in China, and NBN Co and Hacklabs in Australia. Peter is the organizer of the DC86755, the DEFCON group in Shenzhen.
Tielei Wang
Tielei Wang is a member of Team Pangu. He was a research scientist at the Georgia Institute of Technology from 2012 to 2014 and received his Ph.D. degree in 2011. His research interests include system security, software security, and mobile security. He discovered a number of zero-day vulnerabilities and won the Secunia Most Valued Contributor Award in 2011. He has published many papers in top research conferences including IEEE Security and Privacy, USENIX Security, ACM CCS, and NDSS, and gave several presentations at BlackHat USA, CanSecWest, POC, and RUXCON. He is the POC of DC86021, the DEFCON group in Shanghai.
Changsheng Gao
Changsheng Gao(aka Fuhei)is an enthusiast of Web security, he is one of the leaders of Whitecap 100 security team, leader of CTF team W&P,he is also the POC of DEFCON GROUP 0571, the DEFCON group in Hangzhou.
Xinpeng Liu
Xinpeng Liu is a security researcher from EversecLab, he is focused on web security,botnet tracking and malware analysis. He is speaker of DEFCON GROUP 010. He is the POC of DC0531,the DEFCON group in Jinan.
Jun Li
Jun Li is a security researcher at UnicornTeam in the Radio Security Research Department of 360 Security Technology. He is interested in hardware security, connected car security, wirelfess security. He presented his research about wireless hacking and car hacking at Blackhat, DEFCON, HITB, CanSecWest, Syscan360, etc. He is the author of three books,《无线电攻防大揭秘》、《智能汽车攻防大揭秘》、《Inside Radio: An Attack and Defense Guide》,He is member of DEFCON GROUPS GLOBAL ADVISORY BOARD,the POC of DC010, the first DEFCON group in China.
Jayson E. Street
Jayson E. Street is an author of the "Dissecting the hack: Series". Also the DEF CON Groups Global Ambassador. Plus the VP of InfoSec for SphereNY. He has also spoken at DEF CON, DerbyCon, GRRCon and at several other 'CONs and colleges on a variety of Information Security subjects.
*He was a highly carbonated speaker who has partaken of Pizza from Beijing to Brazil. He does not expect anybody to still be reading this far but if they are please note he was chosen as one of Time's persons of the year for 2006.
April C. Wright
April C. Wright (@AprilWright) is a hacker, author, teacher, and community leader with over 25 years of breaking, making, fixing, and defending critical global connections. She has held roles on offensive, defensive, operational, and development teams. A security risk specialist for a Fortune 15 company, April has been a speaker and contributor at numerous security conferences, and for US Government and industry organizations such as OWASP and ISSA. She has started multiple small businesses including a non-profit, fulfills the role of Signaler for the DEFCON Groups Core Team, and co-founded Boston DC617.
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