Windows 2000 Security: How to lock down your Win2k boxes

Presented at DEF CON 9 (2001), July 15, 2001, noon (110 minutes)

Windows 2000 provides a lot of new security features that were previously not available in earlier versions. The NT line, however, has never been considered very secure right out of the box. We'll be talking about how to use NTFS permissions, Default Security templates, Custom Security templates, and Group Policy to lock down a Win2k box. We'll look at what level of security is applied by default on a Win2k box, how to analyze these settings against proposed settings, and how to apply identical settings across multiple boxes.


  • Keith Nugent
    Keith Nugent has been playing with computers since his father first brought home an Apple iic. Being the youngest child, it thrilled him to no end to have something that would respond to HIS commands, as he was used to being the one who followed commands. Keith toyed with Apples and PC's for the next few years while he did other things, like grow up, go to college, run a business, and drive a tractor-trailer around the country. Then, a few years back, as tends to happen, he was the guy who was always fixing, operating, and training others on the computer. So he gave in and became the network administrator. Now years later, he's given up the pager and 3am-the-sky-is-falling phone calls of network administration to train full time. Keith is currently the technical training supervisor for a large computer training center in Chicago, IL.


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