Securing Cisco Routers

Presented at DEF CON 9 (2001), July 15, 2001, 11 a.m. (50 minutes)

We will begin with basic IOS Commands to secure a router, looking at unneed services and turning off seldom used protocols. From there we will look at configurations for defeating basic attacks against your network, including DDos,SMURF and other nasty things you can do to netowrks. Next we will look at some Simply Access list and nifty tricks you can do with them! I will also discuss the basics of Encryption, RADIUS and other security measures you can use when making connections to multiple sites. For this Talk I have assumed you have at least heard of TCP/IP Ports, Basic Cisco IOS Commands, and the internet and how it works! This talk is geared to Cisco noviecs but who have done basic networking already.


  • Robert Muncy
    Robert Muncy is currently employed by a financial company as Network Security Engineer. Previous to that I worked as a hired gun for several computer consultant companies.


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