HavenCo: One Year Later

Presented at DEF CON 9 (2001), July 15, 2001, noon (50 minutes)

HavenCo provides secure colocation in the Principality of Sealand, in the North Sea, to a wide range of clients. We've gotten a lot of press in the past year, still, we get a lot of questions:

Why do people go offshore in the first place? What can they gain? Aren't they all just software pirates and pornographers? Can existing companies restructure offshore after they get sued? What is life like on Sealand? Do you have photographs? Can I visit? Why don't you offer shell accounts? Is Sealand really a country? Is the UK going to invade? Are you going to set up other datahavens?

I will try to answer these questions, and will present a slideshow walkthrough of Sealand, information about our network and physical infrastructure, and information about current clients.

In addition, I'll discuss some of our current development projects, and how our services can be useful to pro-liberty forces around the world.


  • Ryan Lackey
    Ryan Lackey is HavenCo's CTO and co-founder, living on Sealand full-time.He has worked on electronic cash and software-based datahaven systems, and originally got involved with HavenCo when looking for a secure place to host central electronic cash servers. In addition to Sealand, he has lived in Anguilla, considered wrongly or rightly as another possible datahaven location during the US crypto export restricted period. HavenCo has taught him how to deal with media, politicians, and large numbers of lawyers, while running an international multi-site network, living in a 10 000 square foot concrete fortress for 3 months at a time, and missing just about every worthwhile party in the world for over a year.


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