"Microcontrollers" are microprocessors with additional peripherals, I/O controls, and memory all built into one chip. Last year, Phil introduced the wonderful world of 8-bit micro controllers and showed how to set up your own project development lab. This year he looks at more fun, cute, and devious electronic devices you can build, this time focusing on micro controllers with only 8 pins. What can you do with 2K of code spaces and only a few I/O lines? More than you might imagine! We'll look at various tiny projects, and see what can be done in small space and on a small budget. Bring your questions and project ideas. The people with the best ideas will go home with a complete Atmel AVR micro controller hardware development package.
This talk will have a fairly high fun-factor looking at cool electronic toys, but there will be talk about and examples of low-level code and hardware design. Some programming experience and electronics vocabulary will definitely make the material more understandable.