Social Engineering at Def Con: Games Hackers Play

Presented at DEF CON 8 (2000), July 30, 2000, 1 p.m. (50 minutes).

DefCon has changed dramatically from Def Con 1 - when sixty real hackers met in face-time for the first time to Def Con 8 when thousands crowd into a hotel for a hacking "event scene." Richard Thieme has been called a "shrewd observer of hacker attitudes and behaviors" and sometimes he is. You be the judge. In this talk he reviews *very subjectively* the way truth is invented, perception managed, and media manipulated in the many rings of Def Con. It's all here - the familiar icons of good and evil, enemies of the people, Feds in disguise, happy and unhappy hackers, and his take on the truths, half-truths and outright lies that we exchange as currency in this looking-glass world. Thieme's predictions at DefCon IV in "Hacking as Practice for TransPlanetary Life in the 21st Century" have all come to pass. But what's next? Hear how to position yourself for the Next Big Thing, depending on your hacking generation and the degree of real larceny in your heart.


  • Richard Thieme / neuralcowboy as Richard Thieme
    Richard Thieme is a writer and professional speaker focused on "life on the edge," in particular the human dimensions of technology and work. He is "a father figure for online culture," according to the (London) Sunday Telegraph and "one of the most creative minds of the digital generation" according to the editors of CTHEORY. He has spoken for OmniTech; Strong Capital Management; System Planning Corporation (SPC); UOP; Alliant Energy; Firstar Bank; MAPICS; Influent Technology Group; Navy Federal Credit Union; Arthur Andersen; the Conference of State Legislatures; the Society for Technical Communication; Association for Information Management and Research; the FBI; the Black Hat Briefings, Def Cons IV, V, and VI; PumpCon, Xmas Con, RootFest and RubiCon. He writes for Information Security, Village Voice, Forbes Digital, Wired, South Africa Computer Magazine, CTHEORY, and LAN Magazine.


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