Fighting Robots

Presented at DEF CON 8 (2000), July 28, 2000, 3 p.m. (50 minutes).

If you saw the BattleBots pay-per-view show on R/C fighting robots, you heard Dan giving technical commentary during the fights. He was hired to do this as a builder of six robots himself in the past five years, as well as having written for numerous magazines on this topic. To further broaden his claws into this sport he designs and sells electronic radio interfaces to the international market as well as the SFX industry in Hollywood.


  • Dan Danknick - Team Delta Engineering
    Dan will bring a few working robots and explain their designs and how that fits into the various fighting styles developing within the sport. Time and interest permitting he would also like to discuss the developing security implications for popularized R/C robots and how they are shadowing the military construction of pocket-sized war machines. Lastly a giant box of parts and raw materials will be available for the audience to inspect and examine following the session.


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