What is opensource?

Presented at DEF CON 7 (1999), July 11, 1999, 3 p.m. (50 minutes)

This talk will focus on what opensource is, what it isn't, debunking some myths, showing some examples, and giving reasons why opensource is ready for the real world. This talk is primarily aimed at government and corporate IS/MIS/IT staff and managers, but anyone who's curious as to what this "open source" thing is they've heard so much about in the past months are encouraged to attend.


  • Christian Hedegaard-Schou
    Christian Hedegaard-Schou I is a private contractor and consultant who first embraced opensource about 5 years ago when he discovered linux and installed it over his DOS partition. He's never gone back. Since he first discovered linux he also played with FreeBSD and NetBSD on various architectures, and has been a proponent of Free software, GNU, and the newly defined "open source" movement.

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