The myths associated with hiring hackers

Presented at DEF CON 7 (1999), July 10, 1999, noon (50 minutes)

While Ira Winkler is not an advocate of hiring your off the street hacker, he has come to the opinion that many of them are more useful than people who call themselves security professionals. He believes that compounding the problems are bureaucrats who don't understand the problem, and try to form solutions without thinking. For example, the Critical Infrastructure Assurance Office (CIAO), formed by a Presidential Directive to help protect the Critical Infrastructure, was considering a plan to recruit a group of teenagers who they would guide through their college careers to be the Info Warriors of the future.

Ira talks about the myths associated with hiring hackers and security professionals, as well as the problems with the efforts to supposedly protect the Infrastructure. An "Are you Clueless?" test for "Security professionals" is given. Also recommendations to excel in the corporate world are given for hackers who are really skilled.



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