HERF Guns, EMP Bombs and Weapons of Mass Disruption (UnClassified)

Presented at DEF CON 7 (1999), July 10, 1999, 5 p.m. (50 minutes)

At DefCon III, Winn Schwartau talked about High Energy Radio Frequency Guns, Electromagnetic Pulse Bombs and assorted nefarious weapons. Trouble is, the government doesn�t admit to a thing. However, through constant research, he has found more than the government would like.

The August issue of Popular Science, due out on or about July 15 will feature Schwartau�s article on these emerging devices � but you will get an early peek at DefCon 7 on Saturday afternoon. Russian HERF and EMP devices for sale world wide. Some are even on the Internet! Terrorist level weapons made in a garage for less than $500 and put out an E field in excess of 1MV/meter. A video of real HERF at work. Be ready with your questions and Schwartau, as usual, will have answers.



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