Followup on Micropower Radio

Presented at DEF CON 7 (1999), July 11, 1999, noon (50 minutes)

Last DefCon, Prof. Feedlebom led a discussion on Micropower Radio that kinda glossed over a lot of the technical details. This year, he returns to discuss in more detail some of the things required to place a micropower station on the air. Will also include a short synopsis on the current state of Micropower Radio, including the effort to legalize it in the United States. Handouts from last year's session will be available for those who did not recieve them in the mail (sorry).


  • Prof. Feedlebom
    Prof. Feedlebom has operated The Voice of Mercury and the Desert Crossing Radio broadcasts for the last five years. While he's taking the year off this year from the Big Broadcast, he has been responsible for strange radio emissions that have been heard in Los Angeles and Kern Counties on a variety of frequencies. He also acts as the chief engineer for Radio Invasion, a former micropower station now broadcasting through Real Audio.


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