Smartcard Hacking for Beginners

Presented at DEF CON 6 (1998), Aug. 2, 1998, 3 p.m. (50 minutes).

Smartcards are a marvelous tool for the security software developer. Their small form factor and tamper resistant, though not tamper proof, packaging allows for numerous applications, such as secure key storage and encryption. Unfortunately, many software developers still consider smartcards difficult to work with. No doubt largely due to the fact that vendors have so far failed to provide sufficient information and development tools. We will introduce SCARD, a free, cross-platform smartcard development, analysis, and integration tool. No longer does the smartcard-curious individual have to learn obscure low level smartcard commands. If you know how to use a UNIX shell or Windows NT, you can use smartcards.There will be a demonstration of several cryptographic, electronic cash, and GSM cards. The audience is encouraged to submit any smartcards in their possession for analysis.


  • Marc Briceno - Director of the Smartcard Developer Association
    Marc Briceno is the Director of the Smartcard Developer Association <>, the only vendor-independent smartcard industry association. The SDA's member base is comprised of smartcard and security experts in Europe, Asia, the Americas, and Australia. The SDA distributes universal smartcard analysis and integration tools to software developers worldwide. Mr. Briceno coordinated the efforts leading to the discovery and break of COMP128 <>, the GSM digital cellular telephony authentication cipher. Mr. Briceno is a senior advisor on digital telephony issues to an international development effort engaged in designing low cost phone encryption devices and a consultant to memory chip forensic data analysis teams at several major universities.

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