Zip It Up, Sneak It In - Introduction of apkInspector

Presented at DEF CON 32 (2024), Aug. 9, 2024, 10 a.m. (105 minutes).

apkInspector is a tool designed to tackle Android APKs, helping to uncover and decode the evasive tactics used by malware. It can decompress APK entries and extract detailed information such as entry names and sizes, making it easy to analyze the contents of an app. The tool also processes and decodes Android XML (AXML) files into a human-readable format, all while considering the sneaky evasion tactics that malware might employ. apkInspector is able to also identify specific evasion techniques used by malware to bypass static analysis, providing crucial insights for security analysis. It is built to function both as a standalone command-line interface (CLI) for direct operations and as a library that can be integrated into other security tools, enhancing its utility and adaptability in various cybersecurity environments.


  • Kaloyan Velikov
    Kaloyan Velikov is a security professional that has also been in the cybersecurity field for more than five years. While he is proficient in web application and network security pentesting, as well as various device assessments, in the recent years he has been busy learning the testing of mobile applications and device configurations. This led to a more focused specialization in pentesting on both the Android and iOS platforms. He is always eager to try new tools and see how they can be implemented into the penetration testing playbook. Kaloyan is always up for a challenge even if there is a skill gap and extra research will be required to proceed. He also loves to share the knowledge he has obtained, because it is great to help each other to succeed in our assignments.
  • Leonidas Vasileiadis
    Meet Leonidas, an enthusiast in Android’s security landscape, a physicist with a double master's in cybersecurity and over five years of dedicated cybersecurity experience. He’s not just about flashy titles; he’s got the certifications to prove he can push buttons and hack the world. Passionate about web and mobile security, he loves building solutions with code. He’s a firm believer that sharing is caring and enjoys unraveling the complexities of cyber threats as much as he loves tackling riddles. Dive into his session to explore sneaky Android malware tricks, leaving equipped to spot and stop them like a pro.

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