Presented at
DEF CON 32 (2024),
Aug. 9, 2024, noon
(105 minutes).
Paraweb empowers people to publish and surf invisibly on a World Wide Web without the telltale traffic patterns that can betray our use of Tor and VPNs to network monitors. Paraweb is a wide-area hypermedia information retrieval initiative that combines steganography and open Web 1.0-inspired protocols to hijack and embed itself as a parasitic communications network inside existing social network websites like Tumblr, Instagram, and Reddit. Paraweb publishers can steganographically encode HTML-based, para-hyperlinked sites within innocuous media, then post those media on social network sites indistinguishably from benign content creators. Paraweb surfers can traverse these media as benign social network users, decoding the contents of para-sites as they appear normally in their searches, traversals, and feeds. Paraweb traffic is designed to blend indistinguishably with normal Web 2.0 and social network traffic, enabling Paraweb netizens to “hide in plain sight.” Paraweb’s loose and open-source combination of steganography and web-based protocols extends the hard-shell defenses of the encrypted web to the realms of deniability and stealth.
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