The Way To Android Root: Exploiting Your GPU On Smartphone

Presented at DEF CON 32 (2024), Aug. 9, 2024, 2 p.m. (45 minutes).

GPU security is a vital area of mobile security highlighted both by public security research as well as by in-the-wild attacks. Due to the high complexity of the GPU software/firmware along with a widely available attack surface, issues in GPU provide strong exploitation primitives for local privilege escalation attacks by the code running in unprivileged context. In this talk, we will focus our research on the Qualcomm Adreno GPU, which is a very popular GPU implementation in mobile devices. We will do a deep dive into Adreno GPU kernel module implementation focusing on the most recent GPU versions, reveal its complex and new attack surfaces, and discuss vulnerabilities we discovered in this component. In total we identified 9+ exploitable vulnerabilities in Adreno GPU driver leading to kernel code execution and affecting Qualcomm-based devices using the latest GPU models. We will demonstrate the exploitation of one of the race condition issues on a fully-patched widely used Android device to obtain root privileges from zero-permission application with 100% success rate. Android kernel mitigations such as CFI and W^X create significant hurdles for exploiting vulnerabilities in kernel to achieve code execution. Also race condition usually means unstable, low success rate. We'll explain how we overcome these challenges with a novel, generic exploit method that leverages GPU features to achieve arbitrary physical memory read/write. This technique bypasses key mitigations (CFI, W^X) and has broader implications for kernel heap buffer overflows. We will cover the technical details of the exploitation, and especially the novel generic exploit method. We will also discuss the action items that the vendors could take to minimize the impact of this exploit method, as well as general methods to improve the overall security status of the GPU.


  • Eugene Rodionov - Technical Leader, Android Red Team at Google
    Eugene Rodionov, PhD, is the technical leader of the Android Red Team at Google. In his current position, Eugene focuses on finding and exploiting vulnerabilities in the low-level components of the Android platform and Pixel devices. Prior to that, Rodionov performed offensive security research on UEFI firmware for Client Platforms at Intel, and ran internal research projects and performed in-depth analysis of complex threats at ESET. His fields of interest include reverse engineering, vulnerability analysis, firmware security and anti-rootkit technologies. Rodionov is a co-author of the "Rootkits and Bootkits: Reversing Modern Malware and Next Generation Threats" book and has spoken at security conferences such as Black Hat, REcon, ZeroNights, and CARO.
  • Xiling Gong - Security Researcher, Android Red Team at Google
    Xiling Gong is a Security Researcher at Google on the Android Red Team. Xiling focuses on finding and exploiting vulnerabilities in the low-level components of the Android platform and Pixel devices. Xiling has been a speaker at CanSecWest 2018, Black Hat USA 2019, Def Con 27, Black Hat Asia 2021 and Black Hat USA 2023, Def Con 31.
  • Xuan Xing - Manager, Android Red Team at Google
    Xuan Xing is the manager of the Android Red Team at Google. For the past years, Xuan focused on finding security vulnerabilities in various low level components of Android/Pixel devices. He is passionate about software fuzzing for security research. In Black Hat USA 2022 Xuan presented the "Google Reimagined a Phone. It was Our Job to Red Team and Secure it" talking about Pixel ABL security auditing.

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