The Wifydra: Multiheaded RF Panopticon

Presented at DEF CON 31 (2023), Aug. 12, 2023, 10 a.m. (115 minutes)

The Wifydra is open source hardware and software used to locate wireless access points for wardriving. The project is a continuation of the work done previously by Mike Spicer (@d4rkm4tter) and his WiFi Cactus and Kraken. It's designed to be a low power and low cost modular way of simultaneously monitoring all 2.4Ghz WiFi channels for AP beacons. By utilizing strictly off the shelf embedded components, the Wifydra is able to keep costs extremely low (~$90) and its footprint extremely small (250 square cm). More importantly, minimal power consumption is maintained, requiring only a USB C battery capable of putting out 10 watts. The Wifydra is modular in nature and supports a multitude of GNSS (Global Navigation Satellite System) options for location tagging. The ESP32-C5 for 5Ghz channel monitoring will also be supported once the hardware becomes available. The version of The Wifydra demoed consists of 14 ESP8266 called sub nodes, an additional ESP32 called the dom node, SD card holder, GNSS module, OLED screen, as well as the Wifydra carrier board that connects all these components. The firmware, BOM, and gerbers are all available in The Wifydra's Github repo:


  • Lozaning
    Lozaning (they/them) has been wardriving for over 10 years and enjoys designing, building, and assembling unorthodox network observation platforms such as: The Wifydra (presented here), The International Wigle Space Balloon, and turning an Amtrak roomette into a mobile radio observation lab. Currently ranked as the 84th best wardriver in the world on, Lozaning loves all things wifi and high precision GNSS related. Lozaning loves wifi, radios, blinky lights, and fancy GPS receivers. They've been wardriving for over 20 years and are now ranked in the top 100 wardrivers in the world.

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