Presented at
DEF CON 31 (2023),
Aug. 11, 2023, 10 a.m.
(115 minutes).
SucoshScan is a automated open source SAST(Static Application Security Testing) framework. It’s can detect a lot of vulnerability(RCE,SSTI,Insecure Deserilisation,SSRF,SQLI,CSRF etc.) in given source code.For now, only the detection modules of python(flask,django) and nodejs(express js.) languages are finished. In the future, specific detection functions will be written for php (Laravel, Codeigniter), .NET, Go languages.
Mustafa Bilgici
Mustafa Bilgici has been doing cyber security and application security research for 4 years. It conducted vulnerabilities in many applications and reported these vulnerabilities to companies. He also works as a cyber security researcher and developer in various cyber security companies.
Tibet Öğünç
Tibet Öğünç has been doing cyber security and application security research for 4 years and has discovered vulnerabilities in many web applications and helped organizations to protect themselves from attackers. As a developer in web coding languages such as Node Js., Python, Php Javascript, he works as a software developer and team leader for the development of many products.
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