RuleProcessorY & Gramify - Rule Optimization & Password Analysis tools

Presented at DEF CON 31 (2023), Aug. 12, 2023, 2 p.m. (115 minutes)

The RuleProcessorY and Gramify tools are new tools that support password-cracking efforts. RuleProcessorY offers a method of optimizing hashcat rule-files so that you can prevent duplicates across multiple attacks better, leading to a shorter runtime. Additionally it can process rules as hashcat would with an additional support for multi-byte/multi-character rules (inserts & replace primarily). Gramify offers an easy method to create base words and candidates to utilize with wordlist and combination attacks by splitting data by words, characters, or character-set. This can help with password phrases, quotes, sentences, combinator attacks, and extracting base-words from passwordlists.


  • Niels Loozekoot
    Working as Pentester Niels has an extensive background in the security field. Niels has a background in web-development and knows his way around C, C++, C#, and Python and is active in the password cracking/research communities of Hashcat, Hashkiller, and HashMob. Winning in the CrackTheCon password cracking contest, and achieving 3rd place in both the CrackMeIfYouCan 2021 & 2022.

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