ProjectDiscovery Nuclei

Presented at DEF CON 31 (2023), Aug. 12, 2023, 2 p.m. (115 minutes)

Nuclei is used to send requests across targets based on a YAML template, leading to fewer false positives and providing fast scanning on a large number of hosts. Nuclei offers scanning for a variety of protocols, including TCP, DNS, HTTP, SSL, File, Whois, Websocket, Headless etc. With powerful and flexible templating, Nuclei can be used to model all kinds of security checks. Nuclei is a valuable tool for bug bounty hunters, pen testers, developers looking to add more security into their CI/CD pipelines, and more.


  • Brendan O'Leary
    Brendan O'Leary is Head of Community at ProjectDiscovery, on a mission to democratize security, and an advisor to various startups. Having worked in software his entire career, Brendan has had the privilege of working with many customers. Previously at GitLab and a board member of the CNCF – it is clear, every company is a software company. That means every company needs software and security operational excellence. Outside of work, you'll find Brendan with 1 to 4 kids hanging off of him at any given time or occasionally finding a moment alone to build something in his workshop.
  • Pj Metz
    Pj Metz is Developer Community Manager at ProjectDiscovery and former Education Evangelist at GitLab. Before that, he was a High School English teacher for 11 years, making the transition into tech in 2021. Pj brought his passion for education to his roles at GitLab and ProjectDiscovery and is always excited to present, chat, or discuss DevRel, security, and the importance of open source work. Pj loves 80's music and 90's internet culture.