Kraken, a modular multi-language webshell for defense evasion

Presented at DEF CON 31 (2023), Aug. 12, 2023, noon (115 minutes)

Kraken is a modular multi-language webshell focused on web post-exploitation and defense evasion. It supports three technologies (PHP, JSP and ASPX) and its core is developed in Python. Kraken follows the principle of "avoiding command execution" by re-implementing it through the functionalities of the programming language in use. Kraken seeks to provide usability, scalability and improve the OPSEC of ongoing operations.


  • Raul Caro
    Raul Caro Teixido (OSCP, CRTE) is an Offensive Security Engineer at Telefonica Tech. He is the co-author of Mistica (your friendly data smuggler) presented in BlackHat Arsenal USA 2020, and the creator of Kraken (a modular multi-language webshell).

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