
Presented at DEF CON 31 (2023), Aug. 11, 2023, 10 a.m. (115 minutes)

Android malware has long relied on basic string obfuscation techniques to make analysts suffer while reversing it. The current state of the art in mass string deobfuscation relies on two techniques. One of them is executing the sample and hoping to get some hits on the methods with the interesting strings, while the other is forking big bucks for some well known tools in the industry. Both the workload and the financial impact of these methods can severely impact an independent researcher's ability to tackle modern Android malware. My solution is simple: build an environment that can execute Android bytecode one instruction at a time. While the approach is not new (Unicorn comes to mind), there is no such tool available for the Android ecosystem. This allows researchers to speed up their reversing efforts and tackle more intricate and advanced malware with ease.


  • Gabi Cirlig
    Software developer turned rogue, Gabriel went from developing apps for small businesses to 2M+ DAU Facebook games while keeping an eye for everything shiny and new. For a couple of years he has shifted gears and started his career as a security researcher at HUMAN Security while speaking at various conferences showcasing whatever random stuff he hacked. With a background in electronics engineering and various programming languages, Gabi likes to dismantle and hopefully put back whatever he gets his hands on.

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