Man in the NFC

Presented at DEF CON 25 (2017), July 30, 2017, 2 p.m. (45 minutes).

NFC (Near Field Communication) technology is widely used in security, bank, payment and personal information exchange fields now, which is highly well-developed. Corresponding, the attacking methods against NFC are also emerged in endlessly. To solve this problem, we built a hardware tool which we called "UniProxy". This tool contains two self-modified high frequency card readers and two radio transmitters, which is a master-slave way. The master part can help people easily and successfully read almost all ISO 14443A type cards, (no matter what kind of this card is, bank card, ID card, Passport, access card, or whatever. No matter what security protocol this card uses, as long as it meets the ISO 14443A standard) meanwhile replaying this card to corresponding legal card reader via slave part to achieve our "evil" goals. The master and slave communicate with radio transmitters and can be apart between 50 - 200 meters.


  • Haoqi Shan - Wireless security researcher
    Haoqi Shan is currently a wireless/hardware security researcher in UnicornTeam of 360 Radio Security Research Dept. He focuses on Wi-Fi penetration, GSM system, embedded device hacking, building hacking tools, etc. He made serial presentations about Femto cell hacking, RFID hacking and LTE devices hacking on DEF CON , Cansecwest, Syscan360 and HITB, etc.
  • Jian Yuan - Wireless security researcher
    Yuan Jian is a security researcher in UnicornTeam of 360 Radio Security Research Dept. He is mainly focused on the security of Internet of things, NFC, GPS, etc. He was a speaker at the DEF CON Car Hacking Village.


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