Presented at
DEF CON 23 (2015),
Aug. 7, 2015, 3 p.m.
(60 minutes).
This talk will introduce techniques to detect Wi-Fi attacks such as Honeypots, Evil Twins, Mis-association , Hosted Network based backdoors etc. on a Windows client without the need for custom hardware or drivers. Our attack detection techniques will work for both Encrypted (WPA/WPA2 PSK and Enterprise) and Unencrypted networks. We will also release a proof of concept tool implementing our detection techniques. Even though the focus of this talk is Windows, the same principles can be used to protect other Operating Systems, both workstation and mobile.
Vivek Ramachandran
- Founder, and Pentester Academy
Vivek Ramachandran discovered the Caffe Latte attack, broke WEP Cloaking and publicly demonstrated enterprise Wi-Fi backdoors. He is the author of "Backtrack 5: Wireless Penetration Testing" which has sold over 13,000+ copies worldwide. He is the founder of and runs SecurityTube Training & Pentester Academy which has trained professionals from 90 countries. He has spoken/trained at DEF CON, Blackhat USA/Europe/Abu Dhabi, Brucon, Hacktivity etc. conferences.
Twitter: @securitytube
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