Presented at
DEF CON 20 (2012),
July 27, 2012, 11 a.m.
(20 minutes).
Recognizing a need to support passive bluetooth monitoring in Scapy, Python's interactive monitoring framework, a project was launched to produce this functionality. Through this functionality, a new means for interactively observing bluetooth was created along with Python APIs to assist in the development of bluetooth auditing, pentesting and exploitation tools.
The project supplements the work of Michael Ossman et al by providing Python extensions and Scapy modules which interact with an Ubertooth dongle. The project also provides support for other passive bluetooth techniques not present in the current Ubertooth core software such as NAP identification, vendor lookup, extended logging and more.
In conjunction with this presentation, the source for this project will be released along with distribution packages for easy installation.
Ryan Holeman
Ryan Holeman resides in Austin Texas where he works as a software developer specializing in backend services. He has a Masters of Science in Software Engineering and has published papers though ICSM and ICPC. His spare time is mostly spent digging into various network protocols and shredding local skateparks.
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