Con Kung-Fu: Defending Yourself @ DEF CON

Presented at DEF CON 17 (2009), July 30, 2009, 4 p.m. (20 minutes).

After the authors laptop fell victim to a slick redirection technique and subsequent malicious .lzm injection and MBR Trojan infiltration during DEF CON 16 he thought it would be interesting to talk about the episode (besides, his psychotherapist recommended it), and give new con-goers some tips and tricks to help them avoid the same fate. We will see a demonstration of a typical wireless subversion, and will learn how to avoid it. This talk should give attendees some interesting tools to play with while they are at con, while allowing their laptops to go unhacked for 5 minutes.


  • Rob Degulielmo
  • Rob "Padre" DeGulielmo
    Rob has been working in IT for 14 years and specifically network security for the past 7 years. He has worked at Cisco Systems, as a private consultant, and now directs security at a company in the NorthEast. Network exploration, beer, and long walks on the beach are his favorite. This is Rob's 5th DefCon.


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