Presented at
DEF CON 16 (2008),
Unknown date/time
(Unknown duration).
Science fiction or security in 2040?
In this lecture we will discuss how security issues may impact the future, which may be confused with science fiction.
Already today we find cyber-implants of different kinds embedded within the human machine. As security professionals we know there is no such things as perfect code, and security solutions are far from perfect. What will we be facing in 2040, and how might we defend ourselves - if at all.
Gadi Evron
Gadi Evron is recognized globally for his work and leadership in Internet security operations. He is the founder of the Zeroday Emergency Response Team (ZERT), organizes and chairs worldwide conferences, working groups and task forces. He is considered an expert on corporate security and counterespionage, botnets, e-fraud and phishing. Previously, Gadi was CISO at the Israeli government ISP (eGovernment project) and founded the Israeli Government CERT. Gadi authored two books on information security and is a frequent lecturer.
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