Hacking EVDO

Presented at DEF CON 15 (2007), Aug. 4, 2007, noon (50 minutes)

Come and spend 50 minutes with the King, not Elvis, but King Tuna. He is going to give you a peak into EvDo and some of the goodies it has to offer. After a very brief overview of what EvDo is he is going to go into detail about the different hardware options you have, and most importantly, how EvDo cards can be hacked and the advantages of delving into the insides of the card. Can ESN's be moved? Can EvDo be used in monitor mode? Bring a bag because there will be treats for 100 people with a patch so you can use your EvDo card on your laptop as a client or access point.


  • King Tuna - Wardrivingworld.com
    King Tuna has been a hacker since he discovered DOS 6.0 before pre k. He has matured his knowledge in hacking with time and experience. Currently he works for Wardrivingworld helping customers extend there range as well as at schools to develop classes about improving & testing wireless security.


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