Creating Unreliable Systems, Attacking the Systems that Attack You

Presented at DEF CON 15 (2007), Aug. 4, 2007, 3 p.m. (50 minutes)

This presentation focuses on analysis and strategies in dealing with systems that gather information, more specifically, personal information. This talk suggests that we need to start looking at the technology of the future through different a different set of eyes, the ones of a researcher. A new classification method is introduced for the classification of attacks on information gathering systems and strategies are introduced for dealing with this technology. Systems that are unreliable cannot be counted on, so the best defense is a good offense. Sysmin and Marklar are two of the founding members of the Hacker Pimps, an independent security research think tank. The Hacker Pimps provide research in to areas of information security and privacy. Members of the Hacker Pimps have been speakers at a variety of different security events.


  • Marklar - The Hacker Pimps
    Marklar is one of the foremost marklars on marklar. He has been pondering the effects of marklar on the World Wide Marklar for many years and hopes to foster conversation on enabling greater marklar on the marklar so that our marklar marklar can remain marklar.
  • Sysmin - The Hacker Pimps
    Sysmin is a senior security consultant for a large consulting firm. He is a frequent public speaker on a variety of different topics and has spoken at many events including: DEFCON, HOPE, ShmooCon, ToorCon, and even the Pentagon just to name a few. Sysmin holds a veritable bevy of certifications in the area of information security and has a Master of Science in Information Technology with a specialization in Information Security. He is also the POC for the DC904 and a member of the Jacksonville 2600, Stegonet project, and the North American IPv6 Task Force.


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