Social Engineering Do's and Don'ts (A Female Perspective)

Presented at DEF CON 13 (2005), July 29, 2005, 3:30 p.m. (20 minutes)

Social Engineering Do's and Don'ts is more informative then technical. Over the course of the lecture, I plan on going over some information you may not have thought of in your pursuits. Such as, telephone surveys, the importance of being well informed, along with basics such as the importance of both phone & social etiquette, surveillance, going undercover, corporate fraud and of course identity theft. There will be live demonstrations & explanations. This is the talk for everything you wanted to know about social engineering but were to technical to ask.


  • Beth Louis (Phen)
    Phen has been doing social engineering since the late 1980's. Starting off by running a BBS and convincing the local ISP to give her free Internet usage to " working " at West Point Military Academy. She has used her skills to get into places such as the World Bank, Lockheed & Martin, AT&T, along with the Bank of England & other corporate and financial institutions. Although not a member, Her current affiliations are with The Ninja Strike Force on behalf of Cult of the Dead Cow, which whom she has been working on projects with for the past 4 years. She enjoy's red lipstick, black skirts and strong tequila.



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