This Space Intentionally Left Blank

Presented at DEF CON 12 (2004), July 31, 2004, 3 p.m. (50 minutes)

"This Space Intentionally Left Blank" covers work done to safely allow the transfer of unclassified data onto a sensitive (read highly classified) network for comingling with other data collects and subsequent analysis. We devised a system using COTS (Commercial Off The Shelf) hardware, Open Source applications and a couple of custom programs to accomplish these ends. The main requirement was to ensure a one way flow of data from the antenna farm into the analysis network with no data drift back. The presentation will discuss the technical details of how this was managed.


  • geoffrey as Geoffrey
    Geoffrey has been a facility and network security officer and ComSec Manager in the Intelligence Community for fourteen years. His duties include shoring up network security at both contractor and government facilities. He is also available for childrens' parties.
  • Mark Farver
    Mark Farver has served 5 years as trampled network engineer and code monkey. He has spent the past two years as network administrator and ComSec manager for sensitive networks. He knows little of value and sometimes gets cranky without a nap.

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