The Advantages of Being an Amateur

Presented at DEF CON 12 (2004), Aug. 1, 2004, noon (50 minutes).

For close to 100 years amateurs have been working with radios and sending transmission all over the world. The dawn of the information age has inspired many new technologies and advancements in communication; and amateur radio is no exception. Today's modern amateur radio operators are building wireless networks and enjoying several advantages over their unlicensed counterparts.  This presentation will review some of these advantages as well as talk about some of the newer areas of interest including HSMM and APRS.


  • Brett Neilson
    Brett L. Neilson is a network security and systems engineer with a strong background in the wireless industry. Currently he is working for one of the world leaders in Intrusion Prevention supporting clients with network security related issues. He previously worked for one of the leading wireless communication companies as a Senior Systems Administrator and RF Field Technician.  While there he worked to develop, deploy, and maintain their national infrastructure. Some of his work is currently published in two information security related books, Maximum Wireless Security & Maximum Security 4th Edition. Mr. Neilson is a former member of the North Texas FBI Emergency Response Team (InfraGard) and is an FCC-licensed amateur radio operator. In these roles he has worked with multiple government agencies providing emergency communication assistance and coordination. Mr. Neilson's broad knowledge and experience has allowed him to be involved with many organizations; providing network and security related solutions.


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