Google Hacking ][ - The Return of the Googledorks

Presented at DEF CON 12 (2004), Unknown date/time (Unknown duration).

Google hacking is not new, but it's back and deadlier than ever. This talk is the follow-up to last years very successful talk "Watching the Watchers". Attendees will learn the tricks and tactics that any self-respecting Google hacker should know. Expanded extensively since last year, the techniques and always killer examples from the "googledorks" database are always a crowd-pleaser. Witness how sites from all over the net fall victim to seemingly impossible searches from hackers armed with only the world's hottest search engine. A special "security" section this year covers how to find everything from usernames and passwords to live IDS data, live vulnerability scanner output and SQL injection points. This talk intends to spread the word and help protect the security community from this dangerous and eye-opening form of information leakage.


  • Johnny Long / j0hnny -   as j0hnny long
    Johnny Long "sold out" many years ago by accepting an I.T. position within a major international company. By promptly securing each and every site he breaks into, Johnny has managed to maintain his friendships with hackers on both sides of the security fence. Regardless of the color of his hat, Johnny is still passionate about hacking, and it shows through his work, his website and especially through his presentations which consistantly secure rave reviews.


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