Freenet, Past, Present, and Future Direction

Presented at DEF CON 10 (2002), Aug. 2, 2002, 5 p.m. (50 minutes).

Freenet is a system designed to allow people to publish and read information on the Internet with reasonable anonymity for both producers and consumers of information. To achieve this, Freenet uses a totally decentralized emergent architecture. This talk will describe the interesting aspects of Freenet, the challenges we have faced, and what the future holds for the project.


  • Ian Clarke - FreeNet Project
    Ian Clarke is the architect and coordinator of The Freenet Project. Ian holds a degree in Artificial Intelligence and Computer Science from Edinburgh University, Scotland. He has worked as a consultant for a number of companies including 3Com, and Logica UK's Space Division. He is originally from County Meath, Ireland.


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