Through the Looking-Glass, And What A Hacker Found There

Presented at DeepSec 2020 „The Masquerade“, Unknown date/time (Unknown duration)

My research is focusing on social engineering attacks conducted against the healthcare sector in stressful situations. The study involved doctors, healthcare workers, administrative staff, researchers and even university students in medicine. Through simulated social engineering attacks at different levels of complexity, we measured the risk thresholds in the various categories and identified strengths and weaknesses in their approach of technology. The study involved over 500 people (different in age, gender and IT skills) and was conducted between May and June, to avoid creating problems during the most severe phase of the COVID-19 pandemic. Despite the many critical issues that emerged from the analysis (statistically, over 62% of the subjects involved failed to recognize and neutralize at least one of the attacks), there are also positive results that allow us to identify virtuous users and privileged practices in defying social engineering.


  • Mario Valori - Vergilie
    Doctor of jurisprudence, doctor of administrative sciences, over the years I have followed advanced courses in telecommunications and in law in health emergencies. Former scholarship holder for MIUR (The Italian Ministry of Education, University and Research), European LLP IP, Volkswagenstiftung and PON-FESR program. Currently my activity mainly concerns the law applied to cybernetics and new technologies, copyright and open access.


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