Pivoting - As an Attack Weapon

Presented at DeepSec 2020 „The Masquerade“, Unknown date/time (Unknown duration)

Demonstrating an exploit in a container environment (three dockers) across three different networks, I will demonstrate different pivot, vulnerability exploit, and privilege escalation techniques on all machines using Alpine linux, Gogs app, and other Linux platforms using Pentest methodologies such as recon, enumeration, exploitation, post exploitation.

By the end of this presentation everyone will be able to see different ways that exist in working with a single form of pivot and how to overcome different obstacles in different networks within this "new" environment called Docker.


  • Filipi Pires
    Filipi has been working as a researcher and Cyber ​​Security Manager at ZUP Security Labs at Zup Innovation and as a Global Research Manager at Hacker Security, has talked at security events in US, Germany, Poland, Hungary, Czech Republic, Brazil and others countries, worked as University Professor at Undergraduate / MBA courses at colleges as FIAP / Mackenzie / UNIBTA and UNICIV. In addition, he's founder and instructor of the course - Malware Analysis - Fundamentals (HackerSec Company - Online Course - Portuguese Language).


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