Open Source Intelligence Gathering on Human Targets

Presented at DeepSec 2020 „The Masquerade“, Unknown date/time (Unknown duration)

In this workshop I provide the class with real human targets and while they are collaborating on this I provide tools and techniques for them to use to bring them closer to their goal. This is a hands on workshop where students will also have the opportunity to learn from each other. The beginning of the class will consist of a brief intro to OpSec considerations while the end will wrap up with report prep and intel safe guarding.


  • Robert Sell - Trace Labs
    Robert is the founder and president of Trace Labs which is a non profit organization that crowd sources open source intelligence (OSINT) to help locate missing persons. He has spoken at conferences and podcasts around the world on subjects such as social engineering, open source intelligence, physical security and other topics. Robert primarily works in the aerospace industry where he assists newly acquired organizations to secure their environments. This includes all aspects of security in regions around the world. In 2017 and 2018 he competed at the Social Engineering Village Capture the Flag contest. He placed third in this contest (both years) and since then has been teaching organizations how to defend against social attacks and how to reduce their OSINT footprint. In 2018, he actually ran a CTF while participating (and placing 3rd) in the SECTF at Defcon Vegas. Robert is also a ten year volunteer with Search and Rescue in British Columbia, Canada. In his SAR capacity, Robert specializes in tracking lost persons.


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