Emoji, how do they even work and how they break Security

Presented at DeepSec 2019 „Internet of Facts and Fears“, Unknown date/time (Unknown duration)

Emoji are used everywhere these days and cannot be retracted from our daily communication. But how do the work and where did Emoji originate from? Join this talk and learn about their security relevance and the semiotics in the 21st century. # Emoji Where do they come from? How did they develop historically and how is that related to Asia? How do Emoji work technically and why are they relevant for IT-Security? Which cultural and linguistic entanglements do Emojis cause in our daily communication and why? To prevent boringness and terrible technicalities there will be lots of obscure trivia regarding these most beloved Unicode characters.


  • MacLemon
    Sysadmin by trade, strong supporter of anonymity and privacy, that odd person doing strange things with Macs, Hackspace and community affiliations: Chaos Computer Club Vienna; BSidesVienna, BSDStammtisch Wien, Metalab, Cocoaheads


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