Reporting for Hackers

Presented at CarolinaCon 12 (2016), March 6, 2016, 2 p.m. (Unknown duration).

My name is Jon Molesa (@th3mojo). Hello again. I had a great time last year. But this time I want to bring something of real value. I've thought about it for a while and I'm ready to share a personal labor of love. An idea that was born and acted upon over a year and a half ago. I present to you "Reporting for Hackers" or "Create Amazing Reports with asciidoc, vim, and git" or "Word Sucks for Reporting!" Reporting for Hackers is the vim-loving, terminal cowboy wannabee's, wet dream. I will show you how you too can generate reports pleasing to even the most discriminating of metric-loving-pointy-haired-boss and executive types. By combining vim, git, asciidoc, and a few other tools, you too can generate nice looking, easily navigable, and portable reports in pdf, html, docbook, man page, and slidy. I think it's pretty sick and I hope you do too.


  • Jon Molesa @th3mojo
    Jon Molesa has been tearing things apart since he could abuse a butter \or steak knife as a screwdriver. He learned to code on a Commadore 16. Mojo is a nickname. And like any other nickname it was imposed upon me. However, it was the first truly awesome nickname I've ever had. Some cool dudes at @knowclassici, @ocet and @davidnorman, came up with a Bobby Name. Basically your redneck name. Take the first syllable of your last name excluding the consonant if last, and the first syllable of your first name excluding the consonant if last. Now transpose them and prefix with a "Bobby". That's your Bobby name. [Jo]n [Mo]lesa becomes "Bobby Mojo". Eventually everyone dropped Bobby and Mojo stuck. Completely optional. I still answer to Jon for now.

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