Why Introverts Should Get Better at Networking (and HOW!)

Presented at CactusCon 12 (2024), Feb. 17, 2024, 10 a.m. (45 minutes).

Just the word NETWORKING leaves a bad taste in the mouth of many technical people. We all know this, why do you think most “networking events" involve alcohol? At least when you are not talking about TCP/IP, fiber or cabling. After all, one thing that attracted many of us to the IT world was not needing to deal with people. This session will help erase that bad taste by showing you how networking can help your career more than you expect. It can also be pretty easy to do with just a little planning. Employees with better networking skills benefit employers as their network is a resource they can use to be more effective problem solvers. Objectives: Attendees will: 1. Learn that networking does NOT have to be scary or uncomfortable 2. Learn many benefits of networking 3. Walk away with resources for networking success


  • Stephen Andert - I solve tough technical test database challenges for businesses.
    Over 20 years of hands-on DBA work has taught me a thing or two. But now, getting clients excited about my technology gets me excited. You might call it marketing, but I think of it as evangelism: Helping clients around the world see the benefits in a proven technology.


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