How to not suck at an Infosec career – hint: it’s not all about your technical skills!

Presented at CactusCon 12 (2024), Feb. 16, 2024, 4 p.m. (45 minutes).

Nobody wants to suck at what they do. Wether it is job satisfaction, mental well-being, climbing the career ladder, or just better pay, most people want to successful. Infosec is no different, but still there are people who are really good at it, and people who are – well – less good at it. So what is the difference between someone who is really good at their job and someone who sucks at it? In my experience not sucking at an Infosec job is only 12.38% about technical skills. Ok, I made that number up. But my observations over a 15+ year Infosec career – and a 45+ year technical career overall – is that what makes someone successful is far more about the “soft skills”, like honesty, integrity, drive, self improvement, and more. In this talk I will go over what I have learned are the most important soft skills that make someone successful. I will talk about what I have observed are the core principles, illustrated by occasional anecdotes – sometimes funny, sometimes painful, but all with a point. While this focuses on Infosec it can apply to any career you chose.


  • heisenberg - Deputy Program Leader and Penetration Tester
    Heisenberg is old enough to know how to design circuits that use vacuum tubes. He started out with computers by soldering together a Z-80 circuit board on his mom's kitchen table in the late 1970's. He still has that computer, as well as a VAX, and even has a few useful computers. After a 25 year sidetrack through gamma ray spectrometry and other things nuclear, he returned to computer hacking a decade or so ago. He is currently working as a manager and penetration tester supporting a department of the US Government. When not staring at a computer screen he is most often found staring out the screen of one of his vintage airplanes.


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