Getting to decent: An Offsec Story

Presented at CactusCon 12 (2024), Feb. 17, 2024, 2:30 p.m. (40 minutes).

I will discuss components that, in the context of a fully remote work environment, enabled a recent computer science graduate without security experience to grow into a competent independent contributor and team lead. Specifically, I plan to touch upon what the organization and my managers did to help me overcome impostor syndrome and the role I played in doing that. I'll discuss why I believe I can make mistakes and always ask for help. Additionally, I'll explain how I personally developed my technical skills in parallel to project work without burning out. Finally, I will share what keeps me in my current role.


  • David Bravo - Security Consultant @ BishopFox
    David is a Security Consultant at Bishop Fox who focuses on application and cloud security. He has worked with Fortune 500 firms and startups in various industries to assess and improve the security of their applications and cloud environments. David holds a Bachelor of Science in Computer Science from New York University.


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