Cyber Espionage and the Global Power Struggle: A Deep Dive

Presented at CactusCon 12 (2024), Feb. 17, 2024, 9:30 a.m. (60 minutes).

Are you a golf company? Do you cater to Soccer? Should you care about who is using iPhone 0-days and their cyber espionage campaigns? You should, because the global order is being redefined and new cyber threats that were previously not a concern may be in the future. In this era of digital globalization, the advent of geopolitical cyber statecraft has become an undeniable reality. The presentation takes a deep dive into this emerging landscape. The talk will cover how nations, particularly those seeking to expand their global influence, are leveraging cyber capabilities to advance their strategic objectives. With a specific focus on the use of zero-day exploits targeting iPhone devices, we will investigate how countries employ such tactics to impact the geopolitics of cyber statecraft. The session will also delve into the history of cyber activities of these countries and their global aspirations, providing insights into what these developments might mean for the cybersecurity of firms likely to interact with them. The discussion will be enriched with case studies and data-driven research, highlighting various instances of state-sponsored cyber activities. The presentation will also provide an overview of key global power dynamics that are likely to impact the Valley in the coming decade.


  • conf1ck3r - conf1ck3r - the one w/ the Russian memes
    Eli Woodward is currently a CTI analyst and enjoys all things geopolitical and intelligence related, so much so he recently went back to school to get his master's in intelligence studies. He also spends time playing bagpipes and 3D printing stuff with his kids.


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