Come WiFind Me: WiFi and other RF Survelliance

Presented at CactusCon 12 (2024), Feb. 16, 2024, 10 a.m. (60 minutes).

Wireless networks are all around us; from Bluetooth, WiFi, RFID, and more, these radio frequencies (RF) carry precious data for us wherever we go. But if the packets can reach you, you aren't really lost, and you can definitely be found. Some of the tracking is more obvious; we carry around Tiles, headphones, RFID anti-theft stickers, and smartphones. However, RF is also used to track behavior and purchasing decisions in stores, identify who was at a protest, and other location based services. Rotating your MAC address isn't the cure all to making sure you aren't tracked, and you can't live life in a Faraday cage. So what now? This talk will dispel some myths around RF tracking, negate some fears, and give completely new ones in its place.


  • dnsprincess - dnsprincess
    Alissa is an enthusiastic hacker and researcher. Alissa aims to bring fun and fundaments through their conferences like this one. In their past lives, they managed an anti-fraud SOC, taught at Purdue University, and pursued their PhD. However, they gave up academia to work at Bishop Fox, where they are a solutions architect. While not scoping pentests, Alissa is the COO of another security conference - CircleCityCon, a proud dog parent, and competitive wardriver. They eagerly volunteer and give back to their local hacker community through mentoring and friendship. Alissa’s previous conferences talks have focused on anti-forensics, malware, physical security, and digital forensics.


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