The Power of Community and how it Saved My Job

Presented at CactusCon 11 (2023), Jan. 27, 2023, 4:30 p.m. (30 minutes).

Ever sign up for a job that you think will be easy, only to find it evolve into something completely different in 90 days? 2020 started off exciting with a new job in "Cyber Threat Intelligence," at a small local firm. Then, March 18th 2020 happened. The sudden work from home transition and explosion in ransomware resulted in one CTI analyst suddenly having a whole new job by that summer, and getting requests which were completely out of his realm of knowledge. The good news: the local infosec scene, Twitter, and some good friends were there to help along the way. By learning how to rely on a network, and learning how to ask the right questions in the right way, a powerful new skillset emerge. Join us as we learn about the technical, OSINT, and layer 8 skills that one analyst had to learn in 2020 that transformed the way they looked at the job and the untold power lying around all of us and how to tap into it.


  • conf1ck3r - conf1ck3r - the one w/ the Russian memes
    Eli Woodward is currently a CTI analyst and enjoys all things geopolitical and intelligence related, so much so he recently went back to school to get his master's in intelligence studies. He also spends time playing bagpipes and 3D printing stuff with his kids.


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