Business Email Compromise - Problems In the Mirror Are Larger than they Appear

Presented at CactusCon 11 (2023), Jan. 28, 2023, 5 p.m. (60 minutes).

In this presentation you will learn about the true scale of BEC. Is it just a phishing email? What does voodoo, human trafficking victims, and romance scams have in common? How does the private sector track a crime with victims in 177 countries in the world, and has money laundered to 140 of them? And what does government (SBA, PPP, FEMA) fraud have to do with international criminal syndicates?


  • iHeartMalware - Cofense, Principal Threat Advisor, That "BEC" Guy
    Ronnie Tokazowski (@iHeartMalware) has been fighting the BEC dumpster fire of a hot mess for over 7 years, including collaboration with both the public and private sectors as well as law enforcement. Ronnie received the JD Falk award in 2018 for his work in the BEC space, has a history of engaging with threat actors, and has spent years researching the intricacies of how romance scams relate to business email compromise.


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