Bridging the gap in the static and dynamic analysis of binaries through decompiler tomfoolery!

Presented at CactusCon 11 (2023), Jan. 27, 2023, 11 p.m. (30 minutes).

In the modern day, the use of IoT devices in various applications has created a surge of programs that hackers have trouble understanding: binary services and firmware. The programs that run these IoT devices are binaries–compiled programs that lack accompanying source code. Without source code, hackers are forced to reverse-engineer these binaries. To make matters worse, these binaries are usually compiled with optimizations, stripped of symbols, and statically linked to make debugging arduous. Without the ability to reverse and understand these programs, hackers are at the whims of the manufacturers for bug fixes, 0day patching, and overall compatibility. Lucky for us, decompilers, like the freely available Ghidra, have made understanding binaries statically (without running it) more accessible. Hackers reverse engineer binaries through decompilation and recover Reverse Engineering Artifacts (REAs). These REAs can be anything from the name of functions to the typing of custom structs found in stack frames. Unfortunately, dynamic analysis done through modern debuggers like gdb have not been able to benefit from hackers' efforts in decompilation. Currently, a debugger like gdb only allows you to view the symbols originally in the binary. This also means the hacker is forced to look at assembly instead of decompilation. The effort exerted in static analyses is lost while using debugging tools. In this talk, we present a novel tool to bridge the gap between static and dynamic analysis called decomp2dbg (d2d). d2d is a bridge software that communicates between the debugger (gdb) and the decompiler (Ghidra) on-the-fly. As the user changes symbols, types, and structs in their decompiler, they are instantly imported into their debugger. This synchronization is accomplished natively through hacks to the gdb ELF-symbol loading system and by lifting decompiler-specific types into C-code. d2d also helps the user understand code context by mapping a pseudo-source view from the decompiler into the debugger. In effect, the user has nearly the same debugging capabilities that she would have if she had source. d2d supports most modern decompilers (IDA, Ghidra, Binja) and exposes a simple Python API to make support in more debuggers accessible. The source code can be found at: We start this talk by giving a brief overview of developments in the static and dynamic analysis of binaries. Next, we take a deep dive into the ELF-symbol loading system and explore how we can encode new symbols into ELFs in gdb. We use that knowledge to automatically rip symbols out of the decompiler and place them in the debugger. Finally, we do a demo using decomp2dbg (with Ghidra and gdb) to reverse-engineer a closed-source binary found on an embedded device. At the end of this talk, participants should have an overview understanding of dynamic binary analysis.


  • mahaloz - PhD Student in Hacking (Computer Science) at Arizona State University
    Zion Leonahenahe Basque is a Ph.D. student at Arizona State University studying Computer Science with a focus on Systems Security. He hacks online by the handle of mahaloz and is proudly Native Hawaiian. He is a co-captain of the competitive hacking (CTF) team Shellphish and was a previous president of the local ASU Hacking Club. He does research with the computer security lab SEFCOM at ASU under Dr. Fish Wang and Dr. Yan Shoshitaishvili in decompilation and binary analysis. When he’s not CTFing or researching, he can be found hacking away at new reverse-engineering tools.


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