The .11 Veil, Camouflage & Covert!!! /*Invisible Wifi, Revealed */

Presented at BruCON 0x07 (2015), Oct. 8, 2015, 3 p.m. (60 minutes)

The concept of invisibility has always been there on the mind of human being. Be that for a good or evil, we hold it for some reason for sure. And so is the reason same thing we try incarnate in the world created by us, the world of technology, the world of binaries. Having this said, to give our bit of contribution towards achieving invisibility on air (IEEE 802.11), we tried understand certain questions. And the answers resolved to the set of approaches we are sharing in this talk. They are as under: 1. Elt Euphoria ( some approach to smuggle data in legit frames ) and its other variant 2. Patch Peloton (the absolute invisibility)


  • Rushikesh D. Nandedkar as Rushikesh Nandedkar
    Rushikesh is a lifelong student of the art and science called information security. Having more than six years experience under his belt, his passion lies in spending hours and maybe days drilling a box to bring up shell (which seldom happens though). His core area of interest is making attacks weaker in wireless networks. In this endeavor, he was fortunate enough for having his research accepted at NCACNS 2013, nullcon 2014, HITCON 2014 and Defcamp 2014. Yet, for him solace is messing up with packets, frames and shell codes.
  • Amrita Iyer
    Amrita, A mind with a deep greed to dive deeper into technology. With a desire to learn how things work, she enjoys making things unwork in her day to day life, for more than seven years now and they call her test analyst for that.Being an integral disciple of telecommunication studies, her core interest lies in (in)security of wireless networks. Taking this interest to the next level, her research papers were accepted so far at NCACNS 2013, nullcon 2014, HITCON 2014 and Defcamp 2014.


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