Breaking Boundaries, Securing Perimeters: A pragmatic approach to Attack Surface Management

Presented at Blue Team Con 2022, Aug. 28, 2022, 11:20 a.m. (30 minutes).

Security teams can often become overwhelmed by large lists of vulnerabilities that affect their systems and have trouble knowing which to prioritise first when it comes to remediation. This can lead to ineffective vulnerability management processes that focus on addressing issues from a top-down approach and do not reflect real-world exploitation or the risk to the organisation. This becomes more problematic when organisations don’t fully understand their attack surface and their systems that may be at risk.

This talk will discuss how organisations can adopt a more pragmatic approach to attack surface management, by understanding the assets at risk, how to prioritise remediation and how to adapt based on emerging threats.


  • Katie Inns - Security Consultant, WithSecure
    Katie is a Security Consultant at WithSecure, with 4 years of experience in the security industry both in consulting and in-house. Katie currently leads WithSecure's External Asset Mapping team and has contributed to the development and delivery of WithSecure's Attack Surface Management team. Katie entered the industry from a non-technical background having graduated with a degree in Criminology, so has worked her way into her current role through a combination of being self-taught and having a great network of support throughout her journey. Dancing has been Katie's hobby for 23 years and she also loves to listen to and play music.

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