Black Ops of TCP/IP 2011

Presented at Black Hat USA 2011, Aug. 3, 2011, 1:45 p.m. (75 minutes).

Remember when networks represented interesting targets, when TCP/IP was itself a vector for messiness, when packet crafting was a required skill? In this thoroughly retro talk, we're going to play with systems the old fashioned way, cobbling together various interesting behaviors with the last few shreds of what low level networking has to offer. Here's a few things to expect: IPv4 and IPv6 Fragmentation Attacks, Eight Years In The Making TCP Sequence Number Attacks In Modern Stacks IP TTLs: Not Actually Expired Inverse Bug Hunting: More Things Found On The Open Net Rebinding Attacks Against Enterprise Infrastructure BitCoin: Network Manipulation for Fun And (Literal) Profit The Net Neutrality Transparency Engine DNS might show up, and applications are going to be poked at. But this will be an old style networking talk, through and through.



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