Open Source Monitoring:

Presented at Black Hat USA 1999, July 8, 1999, 11 a.m. (60 minutes)

Open Source Monitoring (OSM) is becoming more of a necessity in today's electronic market. Today one person can broadcast messages to millions of people using the Internet and adversely represent the company he or she works for. These messages may contain information, which could be used to exploit the security of a corporate network or give away valuable information about a company. Open Source Monitoring can help companies solve and rectify problems before they become a more serious threat.

During this briefing you will obtain information on what OSM is and is not, methodologies, different types of examples for OSM and the pros and cons of outsourcing OSM.


  • Rob Karas - Para-Protect Services, Inc.
    Rob Karas currently works for Para-Protect Services Inc. where he is a Senior Computer Security Engineer. Specializing in penetration testing and incident response, Rob has participated in investigations of computer system intrusions and been called as an expert witness in judicial cases. Recently he appeared on a NPR radio segment which show cased the security, or lack of security found throughout the Internet and on corporate networks. Rob has been involved with Open Source Monitoring, penetration testing, certification and incident response work for the past 6 years. Para-Protect Services Inc. is one of the fastest growing security consulting companies. We provide penetration testing, 24X7 incident response, Open Source Monitoring and other security services. As our slogan says ãInformation Protection around the clock, around the globeä Para-Protect, in its first six months has provided security support throughout the US and Europe.

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